Friday, September 17, 2010

Fwd: Ads that make you think.

Some ads that make you think….


Encourage Adoption
Adopt. You never know who you'll bring home

Save girl child

Chewing tobacco causes mouth cancer

Drive safely  


Save Girl Child
: Do not neglect the girl child.

Parenting is by example
Children learn fast. Don't fight at home.

Stop Racism
Defend human rights against racial discrimination


Sandhya Unni

Warm regards,


Saturday, July 17, 2010


Take a time and go through the presentation.

Friday, July 18, 2008


What is an ideal Erp system for on organization?

The system which is totally integrated and which contain various modules for
  • Manufacturing: Some of the functions include; engineering, capacity, workflow management, quality control, bills of material, manufacturing process, etc.
  • Financials: Accounts payable, accounts receivable, fixed assets, general ledger and cash management, etc.
  • Human Resources: Benefits, training, payroll, time and attendance, etc
  • Supply Chain Management: Inventory, supply chain planning, supplier scheduling, claim processing, order entry, purchasing, etc.
  • Projects: Costing, billing, activity management, time and expense, etc.
  • Customer Relationship Management: sales and marketing, service, commissions, customer contact, calls center support, etc.
  • Data Warehouse: Usually this is a module that can be accessed by an organizations customers, suppliers and employees.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Technique of Motivting your sales team

There is a pharmaceutical company Chemicisist Pharma.

Which goes for production of a capsule which is multifunctional on cold, cough and body pain. The brand name of capsule is ELIXIR. Since couple of months its sales was itching a top management as the sales of elixir was drooling. With the research the management was able to notice that the rivals was targeting to the market more and found there sales team frustrated at work. The management investigated that sales force need and motivation as they were the best of all in market as they made elixir the pinnacle brand for past couple of years.
Motivation is goal-directed behavior, underlying which are certain needs or desires. Most sales personnel require motivational “help” from management to reach and maintain acceptable performance levels. They require motivation as individual and as group members. As individuals, they are targets for personalized motivational efforts by their superiors. As members of the sales force, they are targets for sales management efforts aimed towards welding them into an effective selling team. Four aspects if the salesperson’s job affects the quality of its performance. The following discussion focuses on these aspects; each is an important reason why sales personnel require additional motivation.
Inherent Nature of the sales job. Every sales job is a succession of ups and sown, a series of experience resulting in alternating feelings of exhilaration and depression. In the course of a day’s work salespersons interact with many pleasant and courteous people, but some are unpleasant and rude and are difficult to deal with. Furthermore, sales personnel not only working time but considerable after hours time away from home, causing then to miss many attractive parts of family life.
Salesperson’s Boundary Position and Role Conflicts. The salespersons occupies a “boundary position” in the company and must try to satisfy the expectation of people both within the company an in customer organization. There is linkage with four groups: (1) sales management, (2) the company organization that handles order fulfillment, (3) the customers, and (4) other company sales personnel. Each group imposes certain behavioral expectations on the salesperson, and, in playing these different roles, the sales person face various conflicts.

Tendency Toward Apathy. Some sales personnel naturally become apathetic, get into a rut. Those who, year after year, cover the same territory and virtually the same customers, loses interest and enthusiasm. Gradually their sales calls degenerate into routine order taking. Because they know customer so well, they believe that good salesmanship is no longer necessary. Their customer approach typically becomes: “Do you need anything today?”
Maintaining a Feeling of Group Identity. The salesperson, working alone, finds it difficult to develop and maintain a feeling of group identity with other company salespeople. Team spirit, if present at all, is weak. Thus, the contagious enthusiasm conductive to improving then entire group’s performance does not develop.
The following steps were taken by the management to motivate their sales force giving reasons for why to carry all this methods.
Motivation + Reward = Increased Sales. It’s a simple equation.
Anyone who has managed a sales team knows that there are times when their sales team needs a little boost to stay motivated. Here are some strategies which helps our sales team keep motivated when sales are down and morale needs a lift.
§ Contests:
Most true salespeople are competitive by nature. Contests are great ways to motivate salespeople to strive harder to achieve success, especially if they are competing against each other. Most contests need to be short-term, as the immediate gratification of a contest pay-off is critical for salespeople to stay engaged in the contest itself. The shorter contests are also easier to measure for sales managers, and keep them focused on helping their salespeople generate higher sales success. It is also critical to remember that tracking the success of each sales rep during the contest is very important, and sending out weekly updates to the sales team will keep each sales rep on track and motivated to win!
§ Daily/Weekly Cash Incentives:
Sometimes, a simply daily or weekly cash incentive will be the boost you need for your sales reps. Base it on the number of contacts made that week, the highest dollar amount of sales in a given week or on a certain day, or the one who closed the most future business that week or day. Whichever it is, make sure all your salespeople are aware of the incentive in advance and can prepare to win the cash incentive. Also be sure to make the incentive lucrative enough to motivate the sales reps.
§ Trips:
A longer term incentive, trips are a great way to ensure salespeople stay focused on keeping a steady pace to hit their sales numbers for the year. Trips can be exotic, like a cruise or a trip to Aruba, or they can be as simple as a trip to New York City or San Francisco. Something exciting that will keep the salespeople motivated and focused on hitting the end goal. To ensure the sales reps don’t give up, make sure you have “milestone” incentives throughout the course of the year, such as t-shirts, hats, key chains, etc that have logos of the trip destination on them.
§ Recognize success:
Schedule specific times throughout the year to recognize successes of the key sales individuals. Salespeople love to be recognized for their accomplishments—so make sure you take the time to recognize them for their efforts, and they will willingly go out on the edge to make sure they hit their sales numbers. Great salespeople will do whatever it takes to be recognized—and will support you in the process.

§ Training:
Continue to teach your salespeople how to be better. The more time you spend teaching and coaching your salespeople, the better equipped they will be to be successful. The training will also ensure your salespeople know that you care about them, their success, and that you will continue to invest in their careers. Key training on topics which are difficult for salespeople to grasp will help them overcome some of their biggest sales fears as they grow more confident in their sales careers.
§ Motivation and leadership:
Effective executives are leaders, rather than drivers, of sales personnel. They earn the voluntary cooperation of members of the sales organization, motivating them, individually and in as a group, to reach the sales department’s goals. They know the motivations, desires, and ambitions of those they lead, and they use this knowledge to guide their follower into the necessary activities weather they be learning or performing.
§ Interpersonal Contact:
Interpersonal contact is an important way to communicate with and thereby to motivate sales personnel. Management uses contacts to make comprehensive evaluation of individual salespeople’s morale. Interpersonal contacts provide opportunities for learning of financial, family, or other personal worries that have impacts job performance.

Overall, knowing your salespeople as people is the first key to understanding how to keep them motivated and energized. Once you know your salespeople, you will be able to develop a strong incentive plan to keep them motivated to achieve success all year.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

WTO is not Chimera

"Great ideas often receives violent opposition from mediocre minds." As said by Albert Einstein,

For the past couple of years the WTO and related organizations, the World Bank and IMF, have suffered a lot of bad press because of the antics of a bunch of middle-class yobs with nothing better to do than fly around the world to have the occasional riot. These "protesters" claim that the WTO and World Bank are dreadful organizations because they tell poor countries what to do, encourage pollution and sundry other lies and half truths. The protesters (a rag tag bunch of bored lazy youths and died in the wool old trade-unionists) tend to oppose free trade because half of them think that their own industries need to be protected and the other half because they think that free trade will somehow lead to "exploitation". This is of course pure garbage.

Free trade is a good thing. In fact it is just about one of the best ideas ever. If total free trade were introduced, which is the ultimate aim of the WTO then humanity as a whole would benefit. At the moment the unnatural market structures created by trade tariffs result in third world countries which could easily produce food for themselves, being forced to grow cash crops, because they can't export food. Since these countries tend to have inefficient, corrupt or socialist (or all three) regimes, they over-produce the cash crop and don't produce enough food. The end result of this, is of course that food in our shops is over-priced too. The current world economy is filled with similar examples.

The WTO is doing good for all of us (in fact particularly for the poorer countries) by seeking to eliminate barriers to trade which impoverish everyone except the vested interests (eg Trade Unions or French Farmers) who benefit from the current system. The real scandal, the one that the protesters would be up in arms about if they engaged their brains before opening their mouths is that in the modern, prosperous world (there are apparently now more obese people than starving people in the world today) where there is plenty of food for everyone many people are still without food and water. The main reason for this is because they have the misfortune to live in the aforementioned badly runs countries.

The World Bank and IMF are often criticized at this point in the argument for failing to improve matters, and indeed their are a huge number of criticisms that can be levied at those two bodies. However, the only criticisms which carry any weight are that those organizations have spent the last 50 years doling out money to dodgy regimes, and have been useless at preventing fraud and defaulting. If they were run like private companies or real banks, rather than international quangoes dominated by the concept of "buggins turn" ('the last chairman was a German, so this year we have to appoint a Frenchman'). These bodies have been incompetent, and have failed the world's poor by allowing their leaders to get away with criminal behavior.
If the World Bank and IMF had behaved like the marauding ruthless capitalists the Seattle rioters like to pretend they are, the world would be a better place for it, and the poor nations of the world would be less in debt. The World Bank and IMF are being reformed to make them more efficient but the jury is still out on whether the reforms will work. In the meantime we should support the WTO since it is doing far more for the world's poor than any other organization in history - by offering them the chance to sell to everyone on earth, without the current restrictions.
George Bernard Shaw said, "We are made wise not by collection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future."